Entries by Quinn Jacobson (385)


Wet Plate Collodion Photography: Kristallnacht

I feel comfortable enough now to start telling people about what I'm doing here - in a more public way. It's a difficult position to be when you want to keep the idea to yourself until you know (or at least think you know) you can pull it off and getting attention and support for it. Ultimately, I'm going to have to get a lot of attention on this project for it to be able to do what I want.

Unfortunately, I don't have much confidence that the German people will respond well to this project. It's an unhealed land and people in a lot of ways. Forgiveness and the acceptance of forgiveness isn't evident to me - this is still a very taboo topic here.

Wet Plate Collodion Photography: Kristallnacht


Kristallnacht: The Beginning

I really love this image (it will probably end up on the front of my new web site) - this was the first plate of the day. It's an 8" x 10" black glass Ambrotype shot with a small Jamin-Darlot (c.1864) lens - I like the "keyhole" effect this lens gives the image.

We visited Mainz, Germany today. It's about 45 minutes to the north of us. I made three wet plate collodion images there of the former synagogue. It was perfect weather and a perfect day for it.

The Germans were very friendly in Mainz. We had a paper ready to handout to them explaining what I was doing. There were a few very positive and encouraging responses; I was surprised. There were a few that stayed and watched as I went through the entire process and saw the final plate coming up in the fix. Really great stuff!

I am very excited about this project now; the results were fantastic today and I look forward to going out again in a few days to make more images. Jean and Summer were outstanding! I love you both! Thank you for all of your help - I couldn't do this crazy thing without you!

The memorial plaque - this plate is exquisite in real life. The details are amazing - especially the stones
and the relief of the old synagogue. This is an 8" x 10" Ambrotype on black glass.

Quinn exposes a plate as Summer rolls video.

Here's the setup: Toyota 4Runner and a portable darkroom!


Making & Printing A Wet Plate Collodion Negative

I'm always thinking about how to improve my craft. I've found that teaching about what I do helps me learn a lot about what I do.

Here's a video that Summer shot for me today as I demonstrated how to make a wet plate collodion negative and then P.O.P print. I know people will write me and say, "Why didn't you show the details in how you did this or that..." and I'll respond, "You'll get all of the details when I release my revised book and DVD set in July" - these are only demo videos... I'm just testing the waters and getting feedback.

Anyway, here's the video:


When The Concept Is Bigger Than The Craft

It seems that I've been waiting forever for my portable dark box to arrive (here in Germany). It was shipped on February 5, 2008 from Rochester, New York. You wouldn't think it would take a month, but then again one of the biggest and most annoying things about living here is the APO system and the expense of commercial post (like FedEx and DHL). It's outrageous on both ends.


Quinn's darkbox

In hindsight, it's actually been a very good thing. I've been able to gather my thoughts about my approach to working through my Kristallnacht project. At first, I thought I would approach it a stand alone, no interference, straight forward (almost documentary) project.  I simply wanted to photograph the locations I have pre-selected and making 8x10 Black Glass Ambrotypes (wet plate collodion images). That’s not going to happen and, moreover, I don’t want it to happen. You see, I realize that the concept of this project is bigger than the craft of this project. It other words, the idea is much stronger than the images I would or could make of former synagogue sites. It’s a strange problem to have. It’s usually the other way around for an artist; it’s all craft and no concept. Hit a random “fine art photo” site and you’ll see what I mean.

The Mainz Synagogue

Here's my solution: I'm goign to include my portraiture work, landscape work and object work all under the umbrella of the Kristallnacht project. I’ve decided that even though these objects, people or landscape scenes, weren’t (necessarily) here, they all share a common link to either the victims or the perpetrators both in idea and the physical world. And, after all, my message is about the questions surrounding Kristallnacht and ultimately, the Holocaust.


Arsenic & Old Lace

Last night was the first performance of Arsenic & Old Lace and Summer was outstanding in it! She made the play. She plays Abby Brewster.

Tonight, she'll do another performance and hopefully I will get some video tape, if I do, I'll post it!

Summer in Arsenic & Old Lace
Summer as Abby Brewster doing charity work for Brooklyn.

The three main characters at the end of the show.