Entries in Summer (4)


The Last Day of 2010

Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where everything is ending. Or at least it feels that way.

It’s a bitter-sweet thing. I’m in one of those places right now and wondering how it all happened so fast and what will fill the “hole” on the other side of the pond. While endings can be sad, they can also open the door to opportunities; and that’s where I have to keep my head, or at least try.

Today, I’m reflecting on leaving Europe after five years, Summer’s evolution into adulthood (the loss of “my little girl”) and just the overall loss of what I know now – my life – if you will. The year is ending, too. That’s what started me writing. I thought I could use the last day of the year as a metaphor for my life right now.

I was in my studio/darkroom yesterday and I was trying to devise a plan of where to start to break it down. It made me sad. In a lot of ways I don’t want to go back to America. In other ways, I can’t wait. It’s a roller coaster of emotions, to say the least. I walked out of my darkroom full of anxiety and didn’t touch a thing. I need to get in there today and start packing!  

We’ve met and befriended some of the finest human beings on this big blue ball (you know who you are) here. Europe and the Europeans have been very good to me and my family. This has been, without question, the best part of my life. The people, the experiences and the personal and professional growth has been amazing. I’ve learned more about myself and about life in these five years than the previous forty. I hope I can take some of that back with me and am able to share it without sounding arrogant or condescending. Americans could learn a lot from Europeans, I know I have.

I’ve been treated like a king here. And I’ve been respected and acknowledged for my work. I’m afraid that I will lose that returning to the States. No one knows me and no one cares what I’ve done here. It feels like I’ll be starting over in a lot of ways.  I’m okay with that; I just don’t want to keep taking one step forward and then three back.

I have to thank Centre-Iris Gallery (Olivier and Pierre) and all of the fine Parisians that supported me this year. What a wonderful experience! Merci beacoup! To have a gallery in Paris that supports you like Centre-Iris is overwhelming. I’m very grateful and will return every two years with new and exciting work to show Paris. A big thank you to our friend, Benoît Boucherot, too! He made a wonderful documentary about me (see the previous post). 

To every studio, cultural center, art school and individual artists in Europe (Barcelona, Reus, Gothenburg, Budapest, Dresden, Cologne, Vienna, Glasgow, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, and many, many more) that I’ve had the pleasure of visiting and teaching at (and there have been a lot of them); thank you! You’ve allowed me to grow and taught me more than I taught you. I’m eternally indebted to the hundreds of people that I’ve had the opportunity to meet, teach and befriend; thank you! I wish I could stay another five years.

Summer and Jesse just spent three weeks with us. They flew back yesterday and are back in America today (31 December 2010). I was able to get them in the head brace for a plate during a private workshop with Bernd Radtke. We had fun; we went to Amsterdam, Belgium (Lummen) and Aachen (Germany) to see friends and have some fun.

I miss my life here already. 

Summer Joy Jacobson - December 18, 2010 Viernheim, Germany 5" x 7" Black Glass Ambrotype

Jesse Vriens - December 18, 2010 Viernheim, Germany Half Plate Clear Glass Ambrotype



Summer Sings At Graduation 2009 & Mannheim Idol

Summer sang the German National Anthem and the American National Anthem at the 2009 Mannheim High School graduation ceremony yesterday at Congressforum in Frankenthal, Germany. She has an amazing voice and to hear the anthem is quite moving. No (Grandmas and Grandpas) Summer didn’t graduate yesterday, she graduates 2010!

It was a hectic day. She had to be in Heidelberg at 0745 to take her SAT. That went until 1230 and then we had to drive to Frankenthal (~40km) to get to the graduation ceremony on time. Summer and I were suppose to be there at 1330 – we made it. They asked me to photograph the graduation ceremony, too. It was a very nice ceremony in a very nice facility.

After that, we ended up going out for a bite to eat and in a weird series of events, Summer got picked up for the Mannheim Idol competition. It’s the post (MWR) sponsoring it, but should be fun to watch her crush the competition! I’ll be sure to shoot some video and post it.

Summer singing the anthem – I think it’s cool how there is a couple second delay on the big screen.


Homecoming 2008

Summer had a very eventful and busy weekend. She and her friends, Natasha (Nads, left), and Jaqueline (Joc, right), went to Homecoming at Mannheim High School last night. Before they took off, I snapped this shot of them. Beautiful young ladies, aren't they?

The Homecoming Girls

I picked Summer up this morning from Nad's house. She said they had fun, "the best homecoming ever." I said, "What's homecoming?" She replied, "I don't know, it has something to do with football. They're crazy about football."


Arsenic & Old Lace

Last night was the first performance of Arsenic & Old Lace and Summer was outstanding in it! She made the play. She plays Abby Brewster.

Tonight, she'll do another performance and hopefully I will get some video tape, if I do, I'll post it!

Summer in Arsenic & Old Lace
Summer as Abby Brewster doing charity work for Brooklyn.

The three main characters at the end of the show.