
Studio Q LIVE Show - January 18, 2020

Thanks for joining me last Saturday (if you did). We had 31 people in the LIVE feed. I talked about Silver Bath, Making "Clean" Plates, and Exposure. Check it out if you didn't get to watch it. And join me next Saturday for a LIVE show on DEVELOPER!


Studio Q LIVE Show - January 11, 2020

Thanks to all that joined in or watching later! I appreciate the support! 



Studio Q LIVE Show - January 3, 2020 at 0800 MST

Happy 2020!
I'm going to be doing a LIVE Studio Q Show tomorrow, Friday, January 3, at 0800 MST / 1700 CET - going to address VARNISHING ISSUES and some CHEMISTRY SAFETY ISSUES + any of your questions, join me if you can!



Studio Q LIVE Show December 15, 2019


Our Photography Retreat and Our Future

We're very excited about moving forward with our project. This is not only the future home of our photography efforts, The Studio Q Retreat & Training Center but our future homestead. We will live here and work here. And we can't wait to make that happen. 

Most people don't realize that this has been a goal of ours (Jeanne and I) for many, many years. When we returned from Europe in 2011, we contemplated making the move to a homestead then, but we weren't quite ready yet. We've been planning, saving, sacrificing for this for many years. I've never felt more confident about something than I do for this. 


In the coming months, we will publish our vision for the Studio Q Creative Retreat with descriptions and curriculum on photography, blacksmithing and bladesmithing, homesteading, philosophy, food, meaning in life, and a lot more. Our slogan is, "Educating and Inspiring People to Find Meaning in Their Lives Through Art, Food, & Philosophy". Once you see the workshop(s)/curriculum, you'll understand what we mean with that phrase.


We plan to offer three retreats every year (June, August, and September). You'll be able to build your own curriculum from over 20 different workshops, and reset yourself in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We hope to offer these starting in June, 2021. 

Why are we doing this? We want freedom, privacy, and self-sufficiency. Most of all, we want to connect to nature. We want to get away from the chaos of urban and city life. We want quiet. We want peace. Just like everyone else, we're tired of the noise, traffic, jobs, and debt. We want to be free from all of that. We've worked hard and have sacrificed a lot to do this. And we appreciate all of the support we've had from people buying my books, attending a workshop, or spreading good words about Studio Q. Thank you, you've help make this happen for us. I have NO doubt, it's going to be the best move we've ever made. 


Stay tuned, you'll see an entire homestead built before your eyes! And we hope one day you can visit!


The future home of Studio Q Creative Retreat & Training Center
This is what December looks like in Central Colorado ;-) Our new driveway!
The entrance to our homestead.
This used to be the steepest park of our driveway - all reworked and ready for inspection.


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