Entries in Rawlins Oil Print (4)
The Studio Q Show LIVE! Chemical Pictures: Making a Rawlins Oil Pigment Print Part 2

I hope you can join me in a couple of hours (today April 4 at 1000 MST) for PART 2 of Making An Oil Print and Q&A on the Studio Q Show LIVE!
Rawlins Oil Print in
Studio Q LIVE

The Studio Q Show LIVE! Chemical Pictures: Making a Rawlins Oil Pigment Print Part 1

Quinn tells you what an Oil Pigment Print is and how to prepare the paper for making a print. This is a multipart video series - this is part one.
You can get Quinn's books and workshop videos here: http://studioq.com/chemical-pictures-2019-sales-p
Pigment Print,
Rawlins Oil Print in
Studio Q LIVE