Entries in Collodion Negative (4)
Gold Toned Waxed Salt Print From a Wet Collodion Negative
Because of the finish on the print, this didn't photograph very well (too much contrast). But you can get the idea. I "cooked" the print a little too long, too. I usually have a problem with not exposing long enough (printing out), but these print out pretty fast and I'm using my BLBs.
This was made with artificial light - 2 minutes 45 second exposure and I used an iodine/pyro re-development on the negative.
Collodion Negatives & Waxed Albumen Prints
I’ve been working through making Albumen, Albumen paper, and started making negatives today. I really enjoy making work in my studio - in my space. I feel completely in control and can get on the plate what’s in my mind more efficiently (lazy and scared, huh?).
Today, I was fortunate to have some very interesting sitters that were very cooperative. I only made four negatives, but I’m very pleased. I wanted to share one of those with you. I’ve been after these kinds of images in the negative form for a long time. The problem with making them, is keeping the sitters interested. I usually get them fired up after the first (positive) image. With negatives, however, there’s no “high wow” factor. It’s difficult, and it’s kept me from making this happen. No more, this is what I’m going to concentrate on for the foreseeable future (negatives and Albumen prints).
There a lot of things I like about this image; texture, light, expression, but most of all, I like what the image implies. It’s disturbing, or disorienting, and interesting to me.
Wet Plate Collodion Positives & Negative From April 11, 2009
I'm suppose to be editing video for my DVD today. I'm not in the mood. After I get done with this post, I'm going to go make another espresso and sit on the porch and watch the day pass.
It's gorgeous today. It's sunny and almost 26C (~80F) degrees. That's my maximum comfortable temperature. If it gets past 26C I don't like it.
Summer and I had a good time yesterday making photographs. She's got it down. She helped me with the negative work and made several positive images on her own. I'll go out on a limb here and say that she's probably the youngest Collodionista in the world! I'm sure I'll get some email if she's not. I'm trying to encourage her to teach the process when she starts college next year. It would be a great part time gig for an undergraduate student, not to mention what doors it may open for her.
Here are a few plates from yesterday's effort (as always, click to enlarge):