Wet Plate Demonstrations a.k.a. "Performative Lectures"
Quinn getting ready to make a portrait
These are usually requested by colleges and universities. However, any group can request a demonstration, with any size of audience. This is the format of the event:
1. Demonstrations last between 2 - 4 hours. It takes Quinn about 30 - 45 minutes to setup.
2. Quinn demonstrates the Ambrotype and Tintype (direct positives); the Wet Plate Collodion process.
3. Makes between 5 - 10 plates; usually Half Plate size. Quinn selects people to photograph, or if the requestor wants specific people photographed, that can be accomplished as well. All plates belong to the requestor.
4. Works from his mobile darkbox (sits on the tailgate of his truck). Needs space for the truck to park, needs to be level and preferably in the shade.
5. The cost is $350. There could be other charges; distance, materials, etc. check with Quinn.
6. Payment must be made BEFORE the event: You can make a payment here:
7. If the location (for the demonstration) is more than 40 miles from Denver, there will be a travel/toll charge, too. This is based on distance, check with Quinn.
8. Requests need to be made at least two weeks in advance.